What is ‘Tuesday’ pronounced as?

As a Deaf person who can read lips to an extent, I noticed there were variations how ‘Tuesday’ was pronounced. So, I decided to look it up and this is what I found:

Research shows the word ‘Tuesday’ is mispronounced by a large number of people.

In British English, it’s commonly pronounced as /ˈtʃuːzdeɪ/, just like ‘choozday’.

In American English, it’s /ˈtuːzdeɪ/, just like ‘toozday’.

I find this fascinating how both are in English but pronounced differently. There is no distinction when reading it in text only but when it comes to speaking, they are indeed different.

I like the British English way of pronouncing it since we do have choices we can choose from the way how we think, feel, respond, behave, etc. I think this if the beauty of being human. Unlike the American English way, ‘toozday’, you can choose how you want to live your life more than just 2 choices.

Oh, and a tip: ‘Tuesday’ is always capitalized because it’s a proper noun like other days of the week.



