Day Two

I was up all night working on translation and video editing. By video editing, I mean trimming and keying my background to make it accessible for DeafBlind folks. It seems that a great background works well with my brown skin tone. If others have other ideas, I’m open to them to make my ASL translation videos visually accessible for low-vision folks.

Anyway, I’m feeling quite wired and tired. Still gotta show up to work. The work I do is meaningful because I know we make connections through video calls while ensuring we provide high-quality services. But I didn’t type this post to talk about my work.

For awhile now, I’ve been on and off the wagon posting videos in YouTube. I find it easier to dump some things here in my blog post as I go and when I can. Some topics I am passionate about and open to learn for fun are personal finances, crypto, NFT, relationships, communication, self-help, mindset, health. And parenthood. A couple to topics as you can see here. Lately, I’ve been in the bandwagon with ChatGPT since it’s trending and I’m finding folks giving away swipe files showing how they are optimizing ChatGPT. I’m intrigued. I tried it a couple of times and it’s quite fun to play around with. It’s like an interactive book for me.

At this point, I’m rambling but I suppose this what my subconscious mind is at the moment.

Anyway, comment below and let me know what you found interesting here.