Coming out of the dip…

I recall a concept by Seth Godin and I think it’s his book called, “The Dip” I should be checking online to double-check but I’m not going to turn away to slow down my momentum and train of thoughts as I’m typing this. But yeah, it was where I was in the last couple of months. So, I started uploading episodes into my vodcast. I was uploading them into my Facebook business page but shut that down recently. I’m still uploading episodes into my YouTube channel though. I am primarily using ASL in my vodcast. Then put this in the back burner. So, to make my thoughts and episodes accessible for the non-signers and for those who can read typed English, I’ll be doing so after I upload my unedited ASL vodcast episodes. I feel that I express my thoughts out and flowing better in ASL.

Then I’ll set a time to type what I uploaded. However, I’ll likely be tweaking and polishing things up when I type them. My vodcasts are raw and unedited as I get them out the moment I hit record without much thought in it. So, you can expect the English pieces to be more polished up and I strive to have my thoughts neatly in order for my readers. I can’t promise you anything on that just yet since ASL is the primary language I communicate.

Anyway, these are my thoughts at this time and will start typing here as I go.

If you haven’t seen my vodcast series yet, check out my YouTube channel:


